enjoyed the park for more than a decade and now gets to experience it with the next generation diane vanasse - visitor: that's special because she's my only grand daughter and we enjoy being here. but with the highs also come some lows. water levels at the lake are declining steadily thanks to a years long draught - and the park must adjust kt: it's something that we're dealing with the recreational opportunities are still pretty similar - you can still fish you could do you just have to go a little further down the shoreline to get to where the water is nats (taking park pledge) but theres some hope - little rangers ready to take care of national parks - and hopefully reach another milestone closed captioning will resume shortly so - how do you keep the designations straight? national parks are generally natural places with grand beauty - having a wide variety of attributes - and often significant and consumptive activities are not authorized. national recreation areas are often centered on large reservoirs and emphasize water- based recreation or are located near major population centers.