reading her poem song for caravan by diane xavier um me mollusk underfoot heel bone to bone calcium dust sound this time again. salopri convoy boot wingtip part most distant from belly this time sound again. they come in they come in they come in. snarl lick to bark swap mangle tongue bills press limbs count hairs diameters of heads muscle promissory note for one's future property. summon captive whisper signal lashes of slender stems bear curly leaves this time sound earth breaks this time empire wheels this time cathedral bell tumbles this time petrol this time wind this sound machine this song hurricane this mother's cat-tied round tree with rope with lash with plant without root this time whistle this time nostalgia this time muddy myth this sound amnesia. this cry this stem stem crawling up skirt this lip. this dusted bone. this sound when it smacks. from throat-based howl for kin well syllables for those at point. separated from sound cut water make clear intimacies this jet steel remembrance of yet another. finally in the center of the gallery. we feature an empty pedestal. i