criminal in the world or she didnt do it cyndi lundeberg fox5 news local las vegas>> the boyfriend of diann parker, the woman raped by duran bailey signed an affidavit. in it he says it was parker's friends who murdered bailey to protect parker. police have also never been able to prove kirsitn lobato knew or had ever associated with duran bailey. this is a very complicated case, you can find more information about kirstin lobato in a fox5 series called "guilty until proven innocent." just head to our vegas dot com. drivers should prepare for significant delays right now on the 215 near mccarran airport. the eastbound lanes of the 2-15 will be closed until 5 a-m. crews are working to finish installing parts of a new flyover ramp that goes over the beltway. traffic is being diverted to the northbound side of the airport connector. this is the second closure in the area so far this month. but we have some good news for drivers, we're told this is the last full freeway closure that's planned for the airport connector at 2-15. the project should wrap up by next october. the push for a higher minimum w