chairwoman dianne feinsteinn wants tooknow why the f-b-i did not ttll congressional overssght committeesd of time abbut the petraeus affair. feinssten's committee &pplans to meet privately today to determine how it will broadweel was a biographer for the decorated four-sttr army co-authored the book on petraees with broadwell says booh parties haveeregrets but transpired and realize they both made the bbggest mistakes &pof their lives and uh- i assume both of hem --uh- would bet both of them, yoo i know, sort of come roaring back."there s speculatton broadwell could have received cllssified information during her affaii with petraeus... p-i-a director believe that is - not true."i don't believe him and knowing him that there was anyycrossover between hii peesonal life that he was haviig with paula and his duties that he was carrying out as the director offcia." 3&petraeus resigned friday... a head of the c-i-a.his affair came to light during an f-b-i investigation of "jealous" e-mailssreportedly sent by broadwell toojill kelley... who sayysshe is a friend of the petraeus family. &plance