diaz. she's a friend of the family. nice to meet you, gloria. hello.ar broke down on the desert. alberto just appeared out of the blue. actually, out of the desert. i was taking pictures and i noticed a car parked, stranded in the middle of nowhere. i tried to help, but her car attacked me. rebecca: it was an accident. the hood of my car fell on his head. i recovered... by spending the rest of the night in the back seat of my car. how romantic! i was alone, gloria. oh, thank you, alex. they look delicious. alberto: rebecca's studying music. she's going to be a songwriter someday. i'm hoping to be a songwriter. and she works at the after-school program that alex attends. alex is a super baseball player and a very talented guitar player. gloria: he's so adorable. gloria, cuéntame ¿cómo te fue en tu viaje en acapulco? oh, magnífico. lús hombres en acapulco son muy guapos. what did she say? it's about... it's about her trip to acapulco. i want to hear the rest of this. just... just a minute. gloria: sí... bueno. hay mucho la tequila... that's phoenix for y