him the decade after his death. >> legendary talk show host dick cavett hosted the dick cavett show. he was known as raising controversial topics. but what really set him out is he didn't do interviews, he held conversations. >> when it was inevitable -- >> do you remember falling in love, not quite. when you grow up, we don't want to be the crazy gang over here, or the marx brothers, or asthma or tuberculosis, here they are again yesterday, all my troubles -- >> dick cavett, great to have you here. >> you too. i remember him. >> highway do you prepare for an interview with john le lennon ad yoko ono? >> i went over there on a rainy afternoon, they were on the bed, so were fouledders and projects. they weren't using the bed in an odd way. i think i broke the peace, when john said, we've been watching you, you have the only half way intelligent talk show. i said why would you want to be on a halfway intelligent talk show? john laughed, yoko might have. >> how did you -- >> i don't remember preparing anything for them. i think, if i can't think of saying anything to lenon i ought to qu