>> they're going to prep him very well, but it is definitely a high risk strategy. >> dick deguerin lives by this philosophy where you embrace the negative. don't deny what you can't deny. >> deguerin has this phrase that he teaches law students you kiss the ugly baby. you have to take whatever your horrible thing in your case is, and you kiss that ugly baby. >> they quickly figured out that robert durst can't deny that he killed morris black. so you have to admit what you did, and you take away the prosecutor's sharpest knife in their toolbox. there was a mountain of evidence showing that robert durst was guilty of killing. but that doesn't mean he was guilty of murder. >> before robert durst took the stand, his defense attorneys tried to prepare the jury for some of his quirks. >> they told us that as a child, he suffered with asperger's. >> defense attorneys say durst suffers from a mild form of autism, which they say explains why durst acted the way he did the whole asperger's thing. >> i never thought that about anything. >> that was a psychiatrist coming up with an explanation, and