anthony: we are pleased to welcome dick groat also, former chairman and ceo of the new york stock exchange, donald, the chairman and cofounder of casablanca capital, and james founder of new oak capital. gary: your focus on activism, as what is this a climate where investors benefit? dick: the. that investors don' t benefit is a lot of nonsense. it' s a little bit like -- he may have a comment on this -- it' s like the late 1970' s and early 1980' s with the boom in the united states. activism is one step removed from the takeover boom. instead of bidding for the whole company, you go in . you don' t go in because you want to lose money. you go in because you want to make money for shareholders. some activists deals are good because the people who shake things up have done a good job, have done their homework, and the companies need to be not complacent and treat their companies like country clubs . everybody wants the long-term to be good. there are things you can do in the short term. gary: hillary clinton has said guys like you basically going to companies, create short-term profits, yo