then the plan was around 2000 dick helms, who was a good friend of jack's, was working on his memoir. so the idea sort of became maybe dick could kind of write the points that jack, that the king wants to make into his memoirs, and jack began working with dick helms. in fact, the book has a few interesting memos in it that dick helms wrote to jack during the course of this collaboration but, ultimately, dick helms decided, you know, this just isn't working for me. i didn't really have that much to do with these events in the middle east that king hussein most wants dealt with in this book, um, and he gave up. and at that point jack ultimately decided, well, if anybody's going to -- king hussein had died by now, and jack basically decided if anybody's going to write this book, it's going to be me. so he sat down one summer and produced a manuscript, and the manuscript was just chock full of, you know, little scoops. and, um, i came in, you know, at a point where he had this manuscript, the agent felt it needed just a little bit of a lift, a little bit of filling in some gaps to take it