going back to january of 2009, senator dick lugar sat in the foreign relations committee hearing and said the clinton foundation is going to be attempting entity for foreign governments and other people who are trying to do business with the u.s. she said look everything will be above board. we will sign a pledge to disclose everything. so for the first time we are seeing that didn't happen in this case. that's why it matters. so this has all come to a tension because of the new book going to be released may 5th. it's written by a conservative author, former speechwriter to president george w. bush, former sarah palin adviser. so the clinton campaign seized on that and said this is a partisan hit job. don't mind that quite as much. there's so much actual interesting stuff at the foundation that we're going to see, some people ask why it's legitimate. well if she wins, the president will still be in the white house. she will be the president. other entities will be there. clinton foundation is still there. it's a legitimate question with so many, so many angles. >> jeff, it's april 20