we used the gentleman by the name of dick molfuss largely because his name was dick molfuss as an avitar for casual bigotry forgetting that perhaps dick molfuss is a real person with a real record on civil rights. you may be thinking to yourself, couldn't you just look that up? yeah, we could have. or, or we could have remained smugly satisfied with the funny name. we went with b mainly because i am a made 12-year-old boy trapped in a 75-year-old man's body. so as it turns out dick molfuss -- don't get tickled by the name, johnny boy -- it turns out dick molfuss has a long and distinguished record of speaking out for civil rights in mississippi. he's an honorable and good man. who in the '90s led the charge on big voting rights reforms there. in 1989 he spoke at a 25th anniversary memorial for the three civil rights activists murdered outside philadelphia mississippi during the summer, a speech that earned mr. molpus death threats. apparently bitter racists live longer than you would think. anyway, we found out all this, i'd say, about a half hour after it aired on a thursday night i mig