dick harpootlian is a south carolina democratic party chair. and that president who had an approval rating one year out of 43% -- i'm sorry, 49%, was richard m. nixon. we all know how he achieved that. [laughter] so the point is, brad, that, you know, the president's approval rating is low, and while it's not the be-all, end-all predicter of how things are going to go in november, there is some historical context for democrats to be concerned. >> absolutely. look, history has a way of repeating itself, and this president has had a precipitous drop in the polls, and i don't think he's reached bottom yet, megyn. i think in june if the supreme court were to totally throw out obamacare, i think his numbers would absolutely go into the 30s, the same place where jimmy carter found himself in his re-election. the president who promised to have all the answers to everything that ails us, sadly, turns out to not have any of the answers as president. all his campaign promises have turned out to be negatives for this country whether it be the economy, immigration, taxation. so i think the republicans have a lot to be hopeful for, but it's going to be a close