obviously, it's ri dick rouse. -- ridiculous. we can make it a little better, but we can't clean it up. you also have the problem of the marsh, particularly in the louisiana area, which has been under assault for so many different reasons, largely the oil and gas industries slicing and dicing them up which allows more saltwater to come in and kill the marshes. the marshes are sort of hanging on by their ficker tips, so in those areas -- fingertips. so in those areas it'll be hard to recover, and once the grass dies, then the currents wash the marshes away, and you've got open water. it was really amazing to be in a boat, and the chart says you're on dry land, and you're going over open water because the marshes have all gone away. what's really obvious -- and i'm not a scientist, but it's obvious, and the scientists note it -- you can't really clean up something like this. you can hope the natural ecosystems can recover but, clearly, the only real response is to make sure it never happens again. >> there's been so much talk about