did shelby want -- dick shelby wants it. i do not know who will be in the majority next year, i hope democrats are. i want to continue to do this. i invite republicans and democrats to meet with me privately in my office at the capital, which has a beautiful view. we can sit around and chat about everything from our family to how do we get out of the bind we are in. let me tell you a short story of how this works. back in the 1980's, howard baker was the majority leader. he had a bill on the floor and we were all tied up on and we could not get it moving, and he was going to keep us until midnight. some of us worked out a deal. we went into his office, ted kennedy, and myself and we worked it out. why don't you just recess and we will have it written up tomorrow , and we guarantee it will go. word, and wet our did it. about 45 minutes after we left and all the staff had gone home, everyone had left the senate, a bomb went off. people forget about that. a bomb went off in a corridor outside the senate chamber. we came in in t