i want to recognize the former puc commissioner, dick skar, it is because of his leadership that we have such a dedicated staff and commission. i want to recognize the california independent systems operator. we work closely with them in what we do in making sure we have a strong partnership to reduce our carbon emissions. we're not just going to be an island in san francisco. we have to share what we do across the state. we need their support and vision about the state. i want to thank all of the partners in the community. our communities are often the ones we do not recognize as much as we should. we are the ones who suffer if we do not get carbon emissions reduced. people come to san francisco and california because our air is cleaner, particularly northern california. i would like to say i take some credit by my own driving and my staffs' driving a chevy volt. but they will remind me that cars and trucks of increase. they have not done their share in reducing carbon emissions. i commend today to the staff that i will be working with joanna being the lead. if you cannot get people out