dick thornburgh was in office during the time of the accident. one of the things that came from the commission was this chronology of the events surrounding the accident. it is minute by minute what was happening starting at 7:02 a.m. on wednesday, march 28. my supervisor notifies officers the plant has been shut down. it continues from there who is being notified. at 7:12 a.m., they notify lancaster county. he gets a call from president carter. he agrees with the evacuation decision. at the same time, the president says harold denton will be his personal representative on the incident. on march 30, the governor had a press conference from the media center at which time the schools were to be closed. among the papers we received from elinor thornburgh are telegrams and letters regarding what people thought should be done to deal with the accident. there are some very interesting suggestions. we have a telegram from someone who was with the manhattan project. he telegram the governor to say to prevent melt down, if safety rods are inoperative run