a 17-year-old girl and her 22-year-old boyfriend were parked at the dickinson bayou boat ramp when they encountered trouble. >> two people were present, girlfriend and a boyfriend and out of nowhere came the assailant, opened the door, produced a gun, had them removed from the pickup truck and then the terror began. >> the man sexually assaulted the girl at gunpoint while her boyfriend stood by helplessly. investigators were convinced this was the work of chad price. at the dna lab, christie whimsack swabbed the opening of the mountain dew can with a sterile swab. a dna profile was produced and it matched the dna from all of the rape cases. >> i called texas city police department to let them know this was the guy -- the guy that drank out of this can was the guy that was committing these rapes in that area. >> on september 12th, 2000, chad price was arrested and charged with the crimes. >> they cut a search warrant for a storage shed where price had items. they found a duffel bag. in the duffel bag they found some tremendous evidence that supported all of the other evidence in the case