and kim dickson looks at the payroll tax cut enacted in 2010 and if the white house and congress plan to extend it. after that, more about the payroll tax cut with william mcbride of the tax foundation and seth hanlin of the center for american progress. they'll discuss whether it should be extended and the impact on the current economy. plus your emails, phone calls and tweets. "washington journal," live, thursday, at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. tonight on c-span, several events looking at the tax hikes and budget cuts of the fiscal cliff and what may need to happen to reach a compromise between the white house and the congress. we'll show you discussions and comments from speaker boehner and representive larson of connecticut. >> washburne worked his way up, went to harvard, went to illinois, in galena. he arrived after a month's journey by ship, stagecoach, by train, arrived in this steam boat in this muddy mining town. boarded himself in a log cabin, established a law practice in a log cabin and slowly worked his way up and became a successful lawyer in galena and got involved po