travis cone, sarah delevin, will dickson, elizabeth warner, macsimon, tyler jenkins, jess kramer, jake kennedy, matt lupus, cale la mcmurray, jacob mitchell, kelly moore, katherine smith and my staff leader adam. i'll give him an extra check because he's an amazing person. travis boyles and andy zoo kfor their tireless efforts that helped advance this committee's infrastructure legislation. my personal office team, i'd like to thank my chief of staff joe brew babaker. i also want r want to thank your staff. we worked -- you and i work well together but our staffs really do, i think, rely on one another. that's the way it should be. i would like to especially thank mary francis because she has devoted many hours and time. she and adam, i don't know how many times they talked on the phone but it's many, many, many. rebecca higgins, john kaine, greg doddson, laura, jordan, heather dann, mackey mcintosh, andy, kenneth and tyler hoffman reardon for their dedication to this process as well. so with that, mr. president, i yield the floor. mr. carper: i'm going to ask if i could just insert on