well, it's cross live now 2 political unless didier ortiz joining us from miami, florida. good to have you on the program. so ted cruz to describe the docking of the iranian warships as a threat to u. s. security high. right, is he he is now right at all. the american people's security is based on what happens in here way, whether we regulate trains, whether we regulate air transportation, whether we address crime, both blue collar and white collar. those are the things that keep american safe. even a ryan ship ports in rio de janeiro has nothing to do with us. the fact of the matter is that the united states government uses the name of the american people. and there are safety, which is important, of course, but uses the name of that safety in order to exert its imperialist politics. it's dominant. politics wants to maintain unit polarity in the world. and so he must use whatever excuse it can at this moment. national security in order to impose upon brazil what he should or should not do within its own borders. imagine a brazil said, actually we don't want you to have bu