. >> have you seen the number of people of didirsity, of different ethnic groups change over the years? >> yeah. i watch with a very keen eye. i'm part of the global automobile -- i look at the mbers. so i look behind the covers. it is improving. and i think it's reflective of what's going on in the auto industry as a whole. especially you look at the corporate and the senior positions. >> okay. >> it's changing but changing at a much slower rate i think african-american and minority group as a whole would like for@ it to change. >> help make you more effective i would assume data is really the key asset. that's probably where you come in work with ihs zwlt ethnic consumer we look at the big three groups, african-american, and native american. they comprise 20% of new vehicle sales this year. we look at the dealer ldy, dave will attest, we represent like 5% of the dealer bobody. you start looking at the senior leadship positions, so director,,vice president, and it gets really thin. we're probably somewhere in the single digits, right, as well. >> at the executive level i think there's