he doesn't know didly. and fires have taken place in his district, but the guy doesn't know didly. he just wants to propose something again and again and again against the poor, against the [inaudible] in a park that is a private park. leave them alone, sucker. leave them alone. you are a supervisor who doesn't know how to represent. now ya'll are commissioners. ya'll hear the good, bad, ugly. you have to represent, you have to have a thick skin, but at all times you have to do right. that supervisor, no good. he needs to be booted out. >> i was at that hearing and one of the things that came about because of where i live in the area i live on james town and when they would have a ball game james town would become like a highway. people that live in my community, we church folk. we couldn't even get home because the cars would not stop leaving the ballpark and what occurred is that going to a meeting i requested that stop signs be put up. and if you go jamestown and you see all the stop signs except where one most needed where i live and i've been asking that a stop sign be placed