also, if you are concerned about voter fraud, a paper trail for diebold order machines, some kind ofity for diebold machines so we can check every hundredth machine at its day paper trail is a much better and a much more effective way to ensure against voter fraud. you can go on google, fined 20 different tracking experiments that people have performed on these machines, and diebold wears its political heart on its sleeve. they contribute hugely to political campaigns. a paper trail for these machines would be an excellent idea to make sure it is not being act, because it has been repeatedly proven that it is embarrassingly easy to hack these machines. that needs to happen. anyway, that is the election reform part of my speech, and i am going to end with another song, that can and i sang when we were at out at the trail. can actually thought until she was about 12 years old, she thought the picture of fdr, on her grandmother's mantelpiece was a grandfather. [laughter] -- her grandfather. her grandmother was such a fervent new-dealer that she inoculated came into liberal politics. ♪ o