we need more people to go to those charger games, or send it back to san diego. i feel terrible for the san diego fans. their team was ripped right out from under them, being a california girl, i know how much they cared about them. reporter: i'm sure some arbitrage guys are looking at the psls and season tickets. it could be a good opportunity. liz: absolutely. robert, thank you very much. robert gray. >>> could the coronavirus take the magic out of a magical stock that disney has been this past year? the closing bell ringing in 28 minutes. the dow up 472, the nasdaq up 210 points. the mouse house's shanghai theme park and hong kong resorts remain shuttered. it's been several weeks now as the coronavirus claims 427 lives and counting. up next, we've got the disney bull on high alert due to the outbreak threat and why he says you actually should be worried, too. "the claman countdown" is coming right back. we will check tesla moment by moment. ( ♪ ) this valentine's day, give her the gift that says, "you are my icon. you are my diamond." the marilyn monroe collec