to thank the director of planning, john ram, who has been working with us as well as his staff diego sanchez and annemarie rogers who have worked to make this a workable piece of legislation here in san francisco. i also want to thank our city attorney's office and specifically the deputy city attorney john malumet who has been advising us on this piece of legislation. and we also want to thank the planning commission, which unanimously supported this piece of legislation. i want to thank my staff who has been working on this piece of legislation for quite sometime now, laura ling and i also want to thank hillary ronan, and i know that carolyn goosen as well. this piece of legislation actually came to us from community and there are a number of organizations that are responsible for helping us draft this piece of legislation. the san francisco human rights commission, the national fair housing alliance, the national housing law project, the ace legal referral panel, the national sen forefor lesbian rights and aids housing alliance. i also know the lgbt center has been involved ~. the hope is