what has happened do dietrich bonhoeffer? he was comakely and theologically impressive younger, but now he takes the faith thing more seriously. he's no longer just into it academically. it grabbed his heart in a way. the experience among the african-americans of harlem, this experience with serious christianity touched him. his friends notice he is different. he doesn't speak about the bible as text, but the living word of god. this was dramatic to say this in the berlin university in the theological circles in 31 and 32. he was bold and such a genius he could get away with it. he say what he believed was right. he begins to take this idea of a personal relationship with god seriously. he tells his students on retreats, would tell them to go off and meditate on a scripture from the psalms or whatever came up that day and meditate on it to see what god had to say about it personally. this is a big departure for this time. he was changed by his experience in the african-american church. bonhoeffer also now was, because he seem