you will see in dietrich mccloskey's work that all the minority groups that are business people, persecuted, the jews in the west and the chinese in the east are the best examples. the aristocrats, the intellectuals, the clergy have always despised business, what tradesmen do, they are making a profit, they are terrible people, they are not gentlemen. if you study european history if you're good brief business person you'd be college you even if you are not jewish. that was an attack on business culture in a way. now for universities, you go through there and they are so progressive and so anti-capitalists. when i speak at universities sometimes i get hecklers and they disinvited me but more often i watch the students in business school, they love the message you can do well and you can be prosperous and fulfill a higher purpose. that is music to their ears but the professors are very skeptical, their arms are crossed and they want to argue with me. one of the interesting things to me about business school, if you think about it, who teaches in medical school? who are the teachers? >> docto