he was obvious he was shocked and said to me, what dieumene? who did it? were the only road construction company in the entire region. i said, not anymore. [laughter] [applause] i would like to show you some photographs from burundi. this is the pile of rocks. this is just to give the in the idea. this is an operating room in the district hospital nearest the clinic, the village health works. pretty dreadful. this is a woman with a goiter come easily prevented. i think she has been treated since this. terrible. some terrible photos, sorry. i don't know if you can see this. those are burn marks. this boy has a splenomegaly, an enlarged spleen from repeated bouts of malaria and it is very painful. what parents have traditionally done in burundi and rwanda, poor parents is to heat a pipe on the fire ants to make burns around the painful spot. deo's father did that to him once when he had an abscess. it is a horrifying form of palliation but all that is available and has been all that is available to many people. deo made much of his philosophically, he called