is god ll mail it for you kerse 11 chindifficult toress it built means little bit slow it's difficulthen sooneinking be able to express for ever aer the der melchidek is a began with god's plan of salvation ase told us inn earlier chter and verse three of chapter 4 when he says my wrath in her into my rest al rkfinished from the foundations of the world been therefore isll time it was therefore es al& the time it's difficult sometimes to take a person and plant the seed and have them seenly there'even ai)star age for this one being the reason god could say certain one i love and the oer i hated jacob and esau whi still in e womb dyingodeing fair-minded and mature certainly younr reize what they accomplished their that brings to her father's mino# the judgment i don't le you did not like the way he started why loving are bothered nothing to him ye @ ly wanted whate could gain r himself. he was a very selfish selfish person it is difficulto express thiis wht)ueisdom be able to simplifgod's word wre anybody caunderstand that is thmatuty expssed devery áhat would god uld have us do verse 12 's bab