diggle allies ation is about protecting your production capacities your manufacturers your companies she's got so the logic goes good i'll make my companies competitive and my fellow citizens lives will improve. in the end the results will be just the opposite it's only a matter of time it's just impossible. we were building a free economy between the free movement of goods capital and labor force and now suddenly barry is a put up the trade barriers i mean at 1st glance this kind of policy could bring benefits but then you will lose your competitive edge and will have to pay a higher price for imported goods you know that's would be brought in anyway the imports would just cost more in such an isolationist country. there will be of the storm the north what though. everyone is unhappy about the existing walk trade regulations and there are a lot of disagreements that it seems that everyone is calling for the government to yoga reform there's a think as long as the devil is here rules in someone's favor they're fine with it when it rolls in favor of their opponent or competitor they'r