we look forward to working with house speaker dileo senate president rosenberg and members of both legislative branches to close this gap. while there are efficiencies to be gained and structural changes to be made there's no doubt we have to make difficult decisions and we will work collaboratively to do so with great sensitivity and careful judgment. but growth is the biggest solution to any budget problem. we have a 5.8% -- we have a 5.8% unemployment rate here in massachusetts. but that's a cold-hearted statistic that ignores the 200,000 people seeking work, the hundreds of thousands of underemployed and the tens of thousands who have dropped out of the workforce altogether. and there's no single initiative that can start and sustain a job creating economy, but there's clear evidence that we're too complicated, too expensive, too slow to move and make decisions and on this we must and can do better. our administration will work to reduce red tape, streamline regulatory requirements on start-ups and establish businesses and we'll report regularly on our progress. health care costs are an en