dillard people tire capitalism has never done anything.ey may not good for you, unless you are a fossil fuel -- it will be done by 2050. [laughter] so i think, i might have wandered off from the original point, but i think that is what social does it's an alternative, there are many alternatives. we can beat this and in addition to having a vision, there is a commitment to fighting for. if there's a moment to stay, i think contrary to a lot of even liberal and progressive thoughts, that there is an and there is of them. there are certain people who have made out very well, the majority of people have not. this is the enduring were going to occupy wall street 99% it's a very small part of society for whom things are working out. for most people it is not. and so organizing collectively is the way to change that. >> michael bennet? >> hi everyone, i am a member i'm here tonight as the chair of the democratic socialist offend board which is a 5o1c3 sister organization of dsa devoted to democratic socialist education. and we are, happy to be h