he is 21-year-old dillen ralph, qualmtured this morning about 245 miles away in north carolina and flown back here just a short while ago. the killings being investigated as a hate crime now. three men and women shot to death after the gunmen shot with them for an hour. i want to begin tonight with the powerful information on the suspect. his uncle, here's what he's telling the washington post. and this is a quote. he says i'd be the executioner myself if they will allow it. here, with me now is cnn's martin savage. >> let's talk about this video now. taken inside of this church behind us. they welcome him in. we can see him in the video. >> there's actually two things that we have going on. we spoke earlier to sylvia johnson. she has talked to witnesses who are inside and she sort of recounts listening those witnesses and exactly what transpired. we all know, it was a bible study. that's why they were all there. everything goes fine until the bible study goes to an end and that's when roth begins the shooting spree. to think of someone shooting and then carefully reloading and then firi