my name is dillon leong. i'm here to speak in support of this project. i stayed in daniel's property for almost a year in the bedroom on the ground floor, which is the one they're going to design for as parents, with a window facing to the back yard. i can confirm that the back of the house gets plenty of sun and wind from the ocean. it's hard for me to understand how this addition could possibly block the light or wind to the neighbor's property. this addition would have to be in neighbor's back yard to block their light or wind, which is obviously not the case. i kindly ask the commission to approve this project as approved. thank you so much. >> thank you. any additional comments? seeing none, dr requester, you have a two-minute rebuttal. >> can i have an overhead, please. these are the two properties in question, the sponsor's and ours -- >> sir, if you could speak into the microphone. >> oh, sorry. these are the two properties in question, the sponsor's and ours, and as you can see, they're pretty much even in the back. but on our north side, we've