. >> sergeant steve dilorenzo of the new south wales police department is the first officer to arrivene. >> i saw there was a man with a high caliber semiautomatic pistol. several hostages were screaming. >> the sergeant is armed with a taser gun. >> it carries a camera on the front of it. it films the person who was going to be tasered. i came up on his blind side. the taser landed on a zipper, and he wasn't shocked by the weapon. i kept coming towards him thinking the weapon had worked, and hi pointed his firearm at my head and fired two shots straight directly at my head. you can see him firing point-blank. >> a lot of noise. a lot of flashing. it's all sort of blurry because it happened so quickly. >> a fellow officer lends him a weapon and a bulletproof vest. a fast and furious gun battle breaks out. >> i decided that i would shoot him in the lower leg, dropping him to the ground, rendering him immobile, and then rush at him and shoot him pointblank in the stomach area. >> but the gunman isn't going down without a fight. he shoots him in the shoulder. >> it went straight through