he soon got to know me and look at me and say, hello, dimas. i told dad about this and he said, nah. you do not know dr. oppenheimer. this is a famous man. one day mom asked dad to go to the trading post and pick up some items which was right next to the px, postal exchange. i am in line behind dad, he's getting ready to pay, and i hear a group of people we had been talking and i heard that voice. i turned around and there is dr. oppenheimer. he is chitchatting with some people. he looked at me and recognized me and said, hello, dimas. my dad heard this and the next thing dr. oppenheimer, i would like to you to be my father. [laughs] it was the greatest moment of my life. walked home and dad cannot believe it. he could not believe it. life continued and as i indicated earlier, cindy, i really wish that more attention or more recognition could have been given to the zia company while they were there. certainly we have eminent world-renowned scientists from all over but they are the ones the doll the scientific tinkering and so forth. it could no