faction of professionals, there will be real residents and byaka on the water, or i will forge you dimitri chumakel avin agency. oh, the furry weekend of the calendar summer near the minsk region will be warm, rather stable on dvorki, on saturday afternoon it will rise from the thermometer to plus twenty-six months, i use it, fashionable even in some areas at our hospitals from 12 to 19 and above and zanuli. on sunday, in the central region at night, for the most part, there will be short-term rains in some places , thunderstorms will thunder in some areas, and the temperature background. night hours will be in the range from +15 to plus 20°, and daytime highs will be plus 24 plus 29 subs for 3 days, while the temperature background will increase. young compact fishing ports at wahud attract themselves to segogorsk, a city meaning sixty- five-city, and along with it the day of miner today has become the busiest day for the anniversary event, saturday is the difference at the park, the elements of the elements ask for amusement cafes blatant losses from honor the anniversary near the mining capita