i might add that in fact we did meet, doctor said dina moose in 2011 and we told him about that point. and if you look at the price chart of big coin, you'll see that it was actually $1.00. he then did contact us when it was 600 dollars, i think in 2013 or 14, and we helped him figure out how to buy some big coin. and now he is like one of the leading thinkers in the big coin space, in terms of the $69000000000.00 and losses that have to be eaten by somebody. here's what the article and reuters points out dividing the losses. this time the losses are divided out as follows. 38000000000 by the depositors. 13000000000 reduction in the capital banks, shareholders and 10000000000 and government perpetual bond and 8000000000 by the central bank. so as you see its ordinary depositors that are having to bail this situation out, just as ordinary depositors had to bail out cyprus. well bail in cyprus, this is the bail in model, and it's coming for other nations around the world as this game over for fee at accelerate. and like our friend to 16, a moose in lebanon at that time, like he got big