of america this is a win tonight is this going to get three years ago for example or the case of dina zuma which now is leaving the family in the state of your and the problem is that these parents are not parents exactly because they don't have any judicial status. to work to raise a child they don't want to adopt him. do not want to let him go home to russia. this is a zero situation since part of the stuff the presidential commission or for children's rights spotlight will be back shortly will continue this interview out there break they'll go. public. with the end of the cold war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappear. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. but simply to use it a day as a threat or as an extra. you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of eventually you're going to blow everything up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see if people don't wake up to nuclear weapons will be mute. that