last meeting to consider the proposal and come with recommendations including things you like for dinallo like about these -- this proposal, that opportunity, at least on this last proposal, it was not there. it was not there to rubber-stamp the proposal made by staff. it is to analyze and make recommendations. there was a lost opportunity there. to the extent that there is anything that is good in this proposal, a credit all the different folks across the spectrum i have talked to. to the extent that there is anything that folkestone obligor feel good but i take responsibility for those. i think in presenting this to the board i do it in a spirit i believe they're open to feedback including some of what we heard and have seen in advance of this meeting to make it fair and workable and that is the spirit in which this was developed. i will walk through the couple slides to take what is a complex issue and try to lay it out. that would be open to any clarifying questions or comments and i would like to yield to the chair for his response before public comment. if we could go to the brief s