to tell us more about this is author and educator dinana thompson. hi. - hi. - just to be clear diana, there are a number of programs called emotional cpr, what makes yours different? - other programs are designed to help you to change the emotion. to go from being frustrated to being relaxed. approach. i believe that emotions are energy. they're energy in motion and when you capture that energy, you can direct it where you want it to go. so my technique is created for young people to help direct that energy to solve problems like taking a test or going out on stage or working through a challenge with a friend. there are three things that happen. there breathing changes. there heart rate changes. and they lose consciousness, or they pass out. it looks like they're asleep. and it's the same three clues that you need emotional cpr. there's a change in your heartbeat. and a change in your breathing. if you're angry, you're breath might come very fast. if you're afraid, you might hold your breath. and finally your thinking. you realize that you feel that