why bridge. -- dinesh -- van nearby why bridge. >>> some are up around 2500 feet and they are cooler than they were this time yesterday, low clouds a blanket all the way up the valley and when you get a low cloud deck around 2 5,000 feet it brings cooler air mass in place and breezy sunny to windy later on today and it will be the coolest day. 50s and 60s over by the coast, santa rosa will be 76 tomorrow, just one degree cooler for san francisco. concord from 73 to 74, a couple of days 60s and 70s and the fog is as big as i have seen for a while. all of that system went by to the north and it was 83 two days ago. there will be some parts of the city that do not get above 61 even though they are sitting at 59 right now. the system that came by, it has already moved into idaho but left behind there is a lot of low clouds and fog. 50s to 60s, everybody is close on the temperatures and the wind which for a couple of days it is west or southwest, take your pick, west wind down to oakland, west at napa, it has had gusts of 30 and below, there is a weak front that has to go through, it will