dinesh. you mentioned that you like thomas jefferson about the constitutional convention.what you say about his belief that if you do not change the constitution every 20 to 30 years, you are enslaving the next generation? >> my name is rachel. my question is for dinesh. he talked about great britain and how they went into india and put their thoughts and ideas in what india should be light and the united states went to iraq with their guns and try to create democracy, but what has iraq benefited from the united states going there like india benefited from great britain going into india? >> my question is to mr. d'souza. coming in, i did know -- i did not know a whole lot about either candidate. i agreed about things like american exceptionalism. american capitalism has fostered a lot of things like innovation. i guess i came into this agreeing with a lot of your ideals and then i hear you talking about things how the native americans would have continued shooting their buffalo and bison unless they had things like the trail of tears and the american government colonialism