when we did the episode a few dini on "decoded", we were writing the ending and whether he was killed, whether it was a murder or not, then i went and grabbed my copy of "heros for my son" and read it. it is amazing. as we do the research, we have other topics. the other topics i would like to look at, and never talk about them i'm a because when i do, i say oh, my gosh, everyone there, but i would always love to do jfk. i would always love to do so. i think that would be a perfect episode. one of the stories i love, do something no one has ever heard. doing mount rushmore, showing something they don't know about it. here's a great story i heard about jfk. i have to look into it, but the one i want to start with is when you actually look at the book depository, it was owned by a texas millionaire. before he sold the building, he said pull out the window. i want the window that oswald was shooting out of. go get the window. go get the window on the right. so the guy goes and takes the window out, sells the building to another texas millionaire, and he comes in and means the window on t