dinu is a senior officer with the moldovan border police.average, 22 ukrainian men a day are making it out over this 1,200km border. this man hasjust been found... ..and taken to the local border police station. yevgeny is 37 and a construction worker from kyiv. it's been six months since he saw his family. he says he left because he was struggling to survive. yevgeny says he's avoided the draft. men like him with no fighting experience haven't been called up yet. most men like yevgeny attempt the journey at night. a thermal camera is used to spot them. in this recent footage, the men seem to know how to dodge the border patrols. ukraine's border with moldova has become the most popular illegal way out. since the war, over 11,000 men have used this route. sneaking across the border is not the only way to escape the war. with the right paperwork, you can get an exemption from military service. we heard that some men are paying substantial bribes to get their hands on these documents. to find out how this works, we asked a localjournalist to p