pho he is 22-year-old dionte carraway and he was a teacher's aide at judge sylvania woods element school. he is now facing charges for child sexual abuse and child porn and victims again are aga a students of that school. schl. tonight at 6:30 there's a meeting scheduled for parentsar so that they can meet with police, school officials andia a perhaps a representative ofat the fbi to get the latest onestn this ongoing investigation.. now, we know a civil lawsuitil u was filed on behalf of theehalf family of one of the young victims against the principal,rl the school board ceo, and the suspect.spect. that lawsuit states thereaw could be asus many as 30 victims, a very troubling troubi piece of information and thendhe youngest of those victimsic could be as young as nineyoungs years old.ld. now, some parents claim they cly went to the school principal pnp to warn her about misconducther by carraway but the principal pc did not take immediate action.ea that principal is now on on administrative leave.eave today we spoke with ait concerned parent who isernent planning on attendingdi tonight