and with me is claudia zavalza with the direct action for farmworkers, and also dr. curry, professor at san jose state university. so, when should we use, claudia, the term "latinx," because in your news releases with direct action for farmworkers, it's everywhere. it's campesnias, it's latinx. is that something--i know that i think the latest study was only 20% of, here i go with this, latinas and latinos identify with that and are willing to use the term "latinx." claudia: yeah, i mean we use it, and we use it because we do have, you know, the people that we serve do identify as different things, and we try to be inclusive. and you know, i think you're right about being equitable, that women are, you know, not paid as well, so we would be saying campesinas, but the thing is that with non-binary, there are people who don't identify as a woman or a man, they identify as something different, they're non-binary, right? so, i think that's why we try to be inclusive of it. and not everyone that i know identifies as latinx. there are people that are very specific. like you