ernst and young china is remote weaker region with often limited access the agencies president direct messner, told us that none of its employees ever visited any of the project in china. it's standard procedure to lead the auditing to private, specialized companies. them divide, calling, want to go over these images and few play from the shifting the current guns, the technician, and um, and the type of quote from the condo and is your upgrade from opposite to different uh at the dock in to tyler season. and this is the loophole that apparently was exploited weeks after our visit to the chicken coop, the auditors sent the real coordinates of the company's address, claiming it was a mix up the wrong coordinates were not the own irregularities we came across. we found addresses and dates that don't check out the take file number b, z i a this is a recent photo. a source gave us the station is supposed to save more than a $120000.00 tons of carbon emissions per year. it collects gas that would otherwise be released during the oil extraction. the gas has been liquefied and load it onto trucks fo