directedou transportation agenc t reviewthoroughly our current prioritiesan explor lon-ter funding options. last yeayouthorize another biprojec high-speed rai ye it' bol butso i everything about california. electrifie train are par ofth future. china alreadha5,00 mileof high-spee rai and they intentodouble that. spai has1600 milesanis building more. more tha adoze other countries have theirow successful high-speed rail systems. evenmorocc i buildin one. th firstphaswillgeus from mdera t bakersfield we'll takeit throughth mountaintopalmdale constructing 3 milesof tunnels anbridges. the firsrailline through thos mountainswa builtin 1874 andit top speedover th crest i still 24 mile anhour we'll builanothe33mile oftunnel and bidge before wge thetrai t itdestination at union station in the heart o los angeles. we all knoth storyofth littleengine thacould. thbienginewereaske to haul thfreigh train over themountain they saican' dit asked another, can't d it. little train saithin i can. so hpulledthengine pulled ifronof a lon lineof freight caran started puffinaway i think cathin ica i think can i