during july board directo boarde will be aring. three more quick updates. this one i want to say haul we now have the record of decision on the gary corner bus rapid transit project and this is the last milestone for clearance of the project so now the smfta can proceed for the project as well as thinking funds to fund the second phase. since we have reached that major milestone we can direct any comments, questions or requests for information towards the sfmta's website and that is at sfmta/garyrapid. the last update i will make is we are in the process of giving a much-needed long overview oversauoverhaul of our website. there is a survey at tiny url.com. indiscernible. our fiscal audit is underway and it's a little bit early and under the guidance of deputy director, we will have a clean audit. happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor peskin: any questions? seeing one is there any public comment. seeing none public comment is close. mr. clerk please read the next item. >> clerk: items 4-10 are consent agent. the remaining items are considered routine